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the holy spirit changes the heart

    Jesus used a very well-known word at this time, for those who do not want to let the Holy Spirit change their hearts, and it was this: "Generation of Vipers! How can you speak what is good while being evil? Because of the abundance of the Heart the mouth "Matthew 12:34.

        The Holy Spirit knows the heart of every human regardless of their color, their race, their financial status, if they are rich or poor, professional or worker, if they are a housewife or a distinguished public official, if they are corrupt or drug trafficker, if they are a soldier or a guerrilla, whether he is adult or young, whether he is a child or an old man, he knows the most intimate of our weaknesses and even scrutinizes our thoughts first of all. Not accepting the Holy Spirit as God does not please God the Father, does not please Jesus the Son and that will always bring terrible consequences and results to those who reject the Holy Spirit as God.

No one gets anything good out of himself if it is not because the Holy Spirit does not guide him to do that act. Many humans do not even know that it was the Holy Spirit who led him to do a good deed without asking for anything in return. "The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings out the good and the bad, out of the evil treasure of his heart he brings out bad things" Matthew 12:35. Now you can clearly see that the only one who makes the heart transform is the Holy Spirit, so you must recognize him as God, as a real being, who speaks, does, works, sees us, educates us and inspires us to develop. good works.

        What comes out of our mouth is what is in the heart and if unpleasant things come out of it, surely in your heart the Holy Spirit does not reign and you NEED it with PRONTITUDE since your life is at the mercy of the devil and satan. Heart problems are not solved by going to a human cardiologist, the cardiologist you need is called the HOLY SPIRIT, he will not only transform your heart of stone, but he will give you a heart of flesh, to be able to move freely in him and so fill your soul and spirit with obedience, sincerity, joy and above all patience, something that is greatly needed at this time.

Everything will be given to you by the doctor who is not seen but who is always ready for you and thus changes any natural pain or heart conditions with his great power so that what is written in his Word, the Bible, is fulfilled: What you see is product of what is not seen. Have you ever heard that there is a doctor who cures diseases of the soul, or of the spirit? Not true, because it is necessary that you know that there is only one doctor who operates without anesthesia and completely cures those ills that not everyone can see, but that are real and even cause natural death. The name of that specialist doctor is called: HOLY SPIRIT.

          We humans do not understand the revelation of God about the Holy Spirit, in relation to his work, his existence and especially the way to act in our lives, and there the great difficulty that we show in our daily lives. I think the best way to explain on this topic is with an example and we will take for such an alcoholic man and his wife, she had gone to Alcoholic Anonymous groups several times, he had attended homes believed, where they allowed him to smoke and even adulterate with women who lived near the place where the home rehabilitation center was located crea, after a year of being there, the man returned home, not two weeks had passed since his return when he fell back not only in alcohol but in drugs, he stole and almost killed a neighbor, his wife, she did not improve, she became an accomplice of her husband and both were sent to prison separately. In prison they met a group of evangelicals and there they were released from those demons of alcoholism and drug addiction, although at the time of writing these notes they remained in prison, their hearts were free, both received from the custodians of their respective jails Permission to attend an evangelical church in their country and they are already waiting for the presidential forgiveness to be released. Three things are important for you to observe here: Human therapies without the Power of the Holy Spirit do not work. What the scriptures say comes true: When the house is clean, 7 more demons will enter if given the chance. That happened in the case of the male, completely damaging his home. Psychologists do not have the power to heal the soul, nor the spirit, much less the heart of what they have not done, There is only one who can restore what Satan messed with alcoholism, drugs, robberies and strife and his name is THE SPIRIT HOLY.

        Many cases you may know, that serve as an example of the changes that the Holy Spirit makes in the life of the human being. If you do not make a serious decision to allow the Holy Spirit to direct your life, your home or your business, this is what awaits you: Failures, problems, disappointments, and above all, not only economic but also most important losses.
